1. Drive Traffic
Find motivated home sellers who need your help with our "3 clicks to implement" paid ads solution and ready made SEO optimized content.
2. Qualify Leads
Our system qualifies leads up front so you can focus on the right property and seller.
3. Generate Appointments
Leads engage with you or our AI powered chat and Voice Agents to self-schedule appointments to receive a cash offer.
4. Close Deals
Regularly generate leads and close deals with our automated system. Keep in touch with those not ready with automated nurture email workflows.
Never miss another lead call again!
Available 24/7, 365 days
Consistent quality conversations
Calls recorded and saved in your contacts
Trained to chat with and qualify motivated sellers
Customize your agent gender, name, personality, and tone
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Helping real estate investors grow and scale
their business with technology.
At Shift Smart AI, we’re more than a digital marketing and tech platform—we’re experienced real estate investors who’ve lived the challenges you face. With over 15 years of hands-on expertise, including more than 100 transactions, we’ve done it all: from finding motivated sellers to full gut renovations, creative financing, Airbnb rentals, and even renovating and rebranding iconic properties like the Stonewall Motor Lodge.
In today’s world, social media, AI, and technology are transforming every industry— and real estate investing is no different. The market is changing at lightning speed, and staying ahead means leveraging tools that create efficiency and generate leads more predictably. Shift Smart AI is built BY real estate investors, FOR real estate investors to help you thrive in this fast-paced environment. Our platform combines proven real estate strategies with cutting-edge AI and automated workflows, so you can find off-market motivated sellers, fill your pipeline, and scale your business with ease.
Whether you’re new to investing or ready to grow, we’re here to help you harness the power of technology to work smarter, close more deals, and succeed in today’s dynamic market.
Leverage Automation.
Built BY Investors FOR Investors.
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